Cafe Furniture Singapore

The appendice with featured write-ups, written to help you make the best use of your spaces.

Cafe Furniture Singapore
March 31, 2021

Indeed, as clothes make the man, so too does furniture make the café. Whatever the café that you own, whether you need chairs for the indoors or the outdoors, we’ve got a chair or two for you. Here are a few of our personal favourite pieces of Singapore café furniture.

  1. Rustic Cafés

Want your customers to step into the past? perhaps you want them to feel as if they have walked right into the pages of a children’s story book, chancing upon the cottage of the 3 bears in Goldilocks and the 3 Bears? We have got you covered with this beautiful set of rustic wooden chairs from the Alma Plus Chair Collection.

  • Modern/Hipster Cafés

Prefer a more modern finish to your furniture, but still love the wood grain of a hardy oak chair? So do we! Look no further than the Malaysian Oak Collection. These furnishings embody modern hipster concepts- they’re stylish, functional and beautifully minimalistic. They suggest themes of simpler times while still holding their own in modern design times.

This collection boasts construction from the finest of Malaysian Oak, made out to be both stylish and functional. These chairs are lightweight but sturdy, and their small form factor makes them a favourite among Singapore cafés.

We suggest pairing the Apollon chairs with the Gilen Indoor End Tables, a stylish pairing that only makes sense- The Gilen Tables are just the right height, just tall enough for patrons to comfortably set and pick up their beverages, but short enough that they still have full view of each other, facilitating a natural atmosphere for conversation and relaxation.

From the same Malaysian Oak Collection comes this full set of Atlaz tables and Hesperius Chairs. Again, this set boasts a sleek minimalist aesthetic, sacrificing no looks for their great functionality. The taller Hesperius Tables better facilitate dining, and are an ideal Singapore Café furniture for establishments that like to pair great drinks with even better food. As seen in the image, The Hesperius Chairs have 2 alternative styles- one with a cushion on the seat and one without.

  • Artistic

Who says plastic has to be cheap or tacky? Here at Mondecasa, we believe in beauty in all its forms. We have pieces that take plastic and combine it with other materials to incorporate them into modern works of art.

These chairs come from our Alma Plus Furniture line and feature a variety of colors to fit any interior palette. They also come in a variant that sees the seats being covered by a layer of luxurious cushion, with wooden legs held together metal bars for an impressive looking finish that offers more sturdiness.

  • Outdoor/Beachside Cafés

This one’s for the cafés that feature an outdoor porch or patio, especially the ones that are located by the beach or seaside. What better way to bask in the sun, breathe in the warm sea breeze and take in the serenity of the beautiful blue sea than on a lovely beach chair?

From our Grosfillex Contract Catalogue, this stark white table and chair set is aptly named Sunset. A with a palette complementing the white sands of the beach, this set is made for summertime relaxation outdoors, allowing guests to witness the majesty of the evening sun over a romantic dinner and wine out on your café’s patio. The mesh of the chairs run the entirely way down where one’s back would rest, allowing for supreme comfort and coolness no matter what time of the day it is.

  • Cozy Cafés

For some, the idea of a café evokes feelings of utter comfort. Those who want to simply relax in a café and unwind with a good book to read or watch the day go by as they enjoy the company of friends. For these types of people, the comfort of the Singapore café’s furniture is the number one consideration. Fortunately, we have you covered in this aspect as well. These extra comfy chairs facilitate hours of relaxation while sitting, allowing customers to sit back and watch the day meander by.

The Kontea design from the Sandler Seating General Collection Catalogue features seats wrapped in soft and comfortable standard UPH fabric. The seat’s backrest features a slight recline and its slight curvature provides ample support for guests to comfortably lean backwards while they sit. Coupled together, these features allow guests to rest for hours on end with little fatigue.

The Kontea chairs also come in a different fabric variant, replacing the standard UPH fabric with an upholstery one for those who might prefer its texture.

When talking about coziness, who could forget the king of comfort, the absolute pinnacle of casual relaxation that is the sofa seat? Featured here is the Dado Seat, hailing also from Sandler Seating’s General Collection Catalogue. Its sturdy steel legs and connecting bars ensure absolute strength and sturdiness, keeping well out of any potential contact paths while customers rest upon its premium soft upholstery cushioning. It features both light and dark color alternatives while its steel parts come in a variety of color variants.

  • Retro Cafés

Perhaps you like your café a bit more thematic. Think local Singapore café furnishing meets old diner bar styles, and you get a peek into the America of the 1940’s.

The New Orleans Set from the Sandler Seating General Collection Catalogue represents this sentiment perfectly. It’s velvety red diner chair and black round bar stool with their shiny steel bodies harken back to a simpler time of fedora hats, jukeboxes, trench coats and drive-in cinemas most would have experienced in movies.

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